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Scan, spin and selectively photocure, 3SP

Additive manufacturing method in which a moving laser is used to solidify a liquid polymer layer by layer.

Illustration of Scan, spin and selectively photocure, 3SP

The process

The object is built in a container filled with liquid photopolymer, which is a plastic that reacts to light. An adjustable construction platform is initially placed in its highest position covered by a thin layer of liquid photopolymer. A printer boom consisting of a laser with a rotating drum mirror and concave optical lenses is positioned in a fixed x-position after which a line of the cross-section in the y-axis is projected. The boom is then moved to the next x position for a new y projection.

The platform is then lowered so that the previous layer is covered by a new, thin layer of liquid and the process is repeated. Each new layer solidifies and attaches to the previous layer.

Support structures can be created if required, if the fluid can not support the weight of the component's overhanging parts.

The process is repeated until the object is fully printed after which support structures are removend and the objetc is cleaned with alcohol.

Unsolidified liquid can be recycled to produce new items. 3SP can be used to make large parts with high resolution.

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