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Photo Etching

Etching process where the workpiece is coated with a template created by photosensitive film that selectively protects the surface against chemical etching.

Illustration of Photo Etching

The process

The work piece is coated by a photosensitive film [1], which is illuminated with UV light through a template [2] for creating a protective negative [3]. The exposed surface is removed to expose the surfaces to be processed. The workpiece is sprayed or immersed in a corrosive solution [4], which dissolves the exposed surfaces. The time that the workpiece is in the solution controls the etch depth. Thinner material can thus be processed with through etching. Thicker material can be etched into open cavities but as the liquid also erodes the cavity sides so the cavity obtained does not have parallel walls which limits the possibilities. The process can be repeated for a multiple step process presenting a varying etching depth.